Main Club Sponsor - MNP


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The mini and youth section of the club has grown massively over the last 20 years - we now have over 600 kids from 6 to 18 years old as players and more than 800 adults linked to those players. But the growth means we need more help to maintain the section, let alone continue its growth.

The more people that help out regularly, the less burden there is on those helping and so we are asking more people to get involved with running what is a volunteer-led sport.

Some examples of how you can are:
Can you spare an hour a month to help with opening the club in the morning or closing at the end of the day?
Are you a local business that would be interested in sponsoring the club?
Can you spare some hours mid-week or at the weekend to help staff the bar? Bar work is regular and paid between £10 and £11/hour
Do you have used sports boots and kit that you can donate to our pre-loved sports stall?
Could you spare an hour a month to help run the pre-loved sports stall which brings in valuable funding for the club?
Do you have a litte more time and could help with coaching? The club will pay for your coaching courses and support you in that journey. It is very rewarding helping young players improve and watching them have so much fun at the same time.
If you are better at organising large groups than coaching them, could you help with the admin for your child's age group or spare some time to help on the committee?

To get involved email us at with anything you feel you can help with.

If you have any suggestions for how the club could improve, recruit or raise money then drop a line to as well.

Take part and be involved with a growing sports club, that delivers a fantastic team sport to over 600 children across Hitchin and the area. Dont be a passenger, get involved!